Friday, January 27, 2012

USGS-Summer Jobs

USGS is offering summer jobs for students.

Technical Requests (not requirements):

  • ArcGIS 10 Desktop, Server
  • Familiarity with ArcGIS Image Services
  • Familiaritywith OGC WMS, CSW, WCS, etc.
  • Familiarity Flex API, Model Builder, ArcGIS Add-In Development
  • Coding Flex, Python, ActionScript, C#
Project Activities:

All National Geologic Map Database citations for geologic maps and related reports on Alaska will be evaluated for inclusion in this project. There are more than 4,000 such reports in the NGMDB, and each report may have many plates. All previously scanned material will be quality checked, and rescanned as needed. Multiple formats of each scan will be created (e.g., high- and medium-res. PDF, TIFF, JPEG), for users to download. Geologic map sheets will be georeferenced and processed into NGMDB’s map viewing and delivery system that is currently under development. This system uses ESRI’s ImageServer application, to provide both WMS and Web browser access to the maps.


A seamless statewide coverage of current geologic maps (3,000+) in the NGMDB archive that is accessible to the public via a web-mapping interface. Data will also be made available to client side GIS software users via OGC compliant web services.

Contact Chris Garrity at the USGS for more details. Chris can be reached by email :- or phone :- 703-648-6426

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